6 Ways That Playing Poker Can Help You Develop Smarter


Poker is a card game that requires a lot of thinking. It is a great way to develop mental skills that you can use in your everyday life, from decision-making to dealing with emotions.

Poker also helps improve cognitive skills and increases your focus and attention levels, both of which can help you perform better in the long run. It is a social game, which means that you can interact with other players and improve your communication and people-reading skills.

1. Poker teaches you discipline and self-control

As you play poker, you will learn to control your impulses. This will help you in many aspects of your life, from personal finances to business dealings. It will also teach you to think long-term, which can be a huge benefit in your professional career.

2. Poker helps you develop quick math skills

One of the most important poker skills is calculating pot odds and percentages. You need to be able to calculate these percentages so that you can make informed decisions about how much to call or raise. This skill can be very useful in a wide range of situations, from small-stakes games to high-stakes tournaments.

3. Poker helps you become a patient player

The ability to stay patient is one of the most important poker skills. This will help you win the game when others fold and make sure that you have the best hand when the cards are dealt.

4. Poker helps you develop longer concentration spans

The mental challenges that you face while playing poker will help to improve your focusing abilities. This is because you are constantly concentrating on multiple things at once, such as your own hand, your opponent’s hand, the dealer’s cues and their bets.

5. Poker teaches you to understand your own weaknesses and strengths

One of the biggest mistakes that new poker players make is that they try to apply cookie-cutter advice from experts. These rules are easy to follow and can seem helpful, but they often fail to take into account the unique situations that each player faces.

6. Poker teaches you to see failure as an opportunity for improvement

When you start playing poker, you may notice that you tend to lose more than you win. This is normal, but it doesn’t have to be your fate. By learning to see every loss as a lesson and by figuring out what went wrong, you can work on improving your game and developing a healthier relationship with failure.

7. Poker teaches you to be a disciplined person

It isn’t uncommon for poker players to get tired during games or tournaments, but this is nothing to worry about. A good night’s sleep will help you recover from the strain and prepare for the next day.

8. Poker teaches you how to deal with loss

If you lose a hand in poker, you can always go back and figure out what you did wrong. You can then use this knowledge to develop a healthy relationship with failure that can be applied in other areas of your life.

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Cape Town, South Africa